Delft Design Approach - week 4

Last week was all about defining the design challenge. Having a well-defined design challenge, is a tremendous help in trying to design a solution to a problem. Something that a lot of people do, is to try and design something without guidance… without constraints.

Delft Design Approach - week 3

This week’s main task was to obtain rich data from your subject. Rich data is interesting, because it is highly subjective and time-consuming to gather. Instead of gathering quantitative data from many participants, you gather rich data from a few participants about a specific context.

Delft Design Approach - week 2

In this second week of the course, we deconstruct our morning rituals. The deconstruction happens by thinking about your morning ritual in three steps;

Delft Design Approach - week 1

Some of you may have noticed I’m behind on the course. Luckily I’ve haven’t missed any deadlines yet! The first week of the course focused very much on recording your own morning ritual and forming some early thoughts about it.

Delft Design Approach - prologue

Last week, I signed up for the edX course Delft Design Approach, which has since started.